Absolute Barbecues Kolkata Menu

Absolute Barbecues Kolkata Menu

Current time & date in Asia/Kolkata is: 11:08:48 PM on Friday, Dec 13, 2024

Asia/Kolkata Timezone in detail. Current Time and date in Asia/Kolkata Timezone. Also get information about timezones adjacent to Asia/Kolkata, major cities belonging to Asia/Kolkata timezone and also get Daylight Saving Time (DST) details including DST history, next DST adjustment schedule etc...

Major airports in Asia/Kolkata timezone

Clocks were moved backward to become Tuesday, 27 June, 1854 11:59:52 PM

Clocks were moved backward to become Friday, 31 December, 1869 11:27:50 PM

Clocks were moved forward to become Monday, 01 January, 1906 12:08:50 AM

Clocks were moved forward to become Wednesday, 01 October, 1941 01:00:00 AM

Clocks were moved backward to become Thursday, 14 May, 1942 11:00:00 PM

Clocks were moved forward to become Tuesday, 01 September, 1942 01:00:00 AM

Clocks were moved backward to become Sunday, 14 October, 1945 11:00:00 PM

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อุปกรณ์ป้องกัน เป็นอุปกรณ์ป้องกันอันตรายที่เกิดจากไฟฟ้า ในกรณีที่ไฟช๊อต ไฟดูด ไฟรั่ว หรือเกิดการลัดวงจร ซึ่งอาจทำให้เกิดความเสียหายต่อชีวิตและทรัพย์สิน ซึ่งอุปกรณ์ป้องกันไฟฟ้าจะช่วยลดอันตรายที่เกิดจากไฟฟ้าได้

My local time changed to PST. Now I ran:

But my system time didn't change back to IST. Instead, it's showing PST's time with the IST label.

(In picture: I'm pointing to IST Kolkata, but the time zone highlighted is Los Angeles. This may explain my problem.)

I want Asia/Kolkata to be back to normal.

P.S.: With the command

the timezone changed to IST with PST's time.

Current Time & Date in Kolkata along with DST information

Current local time in Kolkata (Asia/Kolkata timezone). Get information about the Asia/Kolkata time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to Time zone.

Asia/Kolkata offset: UTC / GMT +05:30 hours

Dec 13, 2024 11:08 PM Friday

New York City is 10.5 hours behind Kolkata